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Dreams 2live4
Dreams2Live4Dreams2Live4 makes dreams come true for patients who are living with metastatic cancer (meaning any cancer which has spread), relapsed lymphoma, relapsed leukaemia and high grade brain tumours.
“I first came across D2L4 when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was just trying to survive. With cancer, there’s always so much going on and sometimes it’s very hard to be positive. You only ever hear about charities like this for children so I was really excited for my mum. I thought this is something really nice for her to look forward to and take her mind off the cancer: hospital visits, medication, forgetting about the real world…
Dreams2Live4 not only gave my mum something wonderful to look forward to but it changed my life too. It gave me that hope, that warm feeling, helping me have a more positive look on cancer and patients. It’s a massive ‘hope’ factor.
Witnessing my mother’s dream inspired me to get involved. To experience a dream is very heart-warming. The people that make it happen: the volunteers and Dream Makers make you feel that way. When my mum passed away, I thought she would be really proud if I helped other people feel the way she did. The fact that I had been in the same position as the Dreamer’s family members made me think I could easily relate and have a really positive impact on others.”

Dreams2Live4 was founded by metastatic cancer patient, Annie Robinson. Annie understood the need to “treat the soul as well as the disease.” “If we can encourage people to think of what their dreams may be and help them achieve these dreams, they just may improve the outlook of their disease,” said Annie.
Our Dreamers range from 17 years old, from all walks of life, with all types of cancer, and they all have their own unique dreams. We have had weddings, hot air ballooning, adventures to the reef and snow. Some dreamers ask to meet their idols, others long to create lasting happy memories.
We’ve had a man that wanted to catch a barramundi (he caught six!), another who wanted to drive a truck and a women who left palliative care for a day of pampering with her daughter and grand daughter.
Sadly, Annie passed away in 2009. She has left a legacy of hope which lives on today in the work of Dreams2live4. On 1st September 2015 Annie’s Dream came true when Dreams2Live4 became a national charity in its own right! The charity has now has worked with more than 1000 Dreamers and their families and we reach out to over 240 hospitals across Australia.
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